Hardcore Amateur Porn Videos

In the present day, porn is enjoyed by all the people in the world, and the porn industry is considered among the fastest growing industries. Porn is something that can fulfill all the secret and kinky desires or fetish of many people. The porn videos are made with the help of professional porn stars, but many porn videos are made with amateur pornstars; and in reality, these amateur pornstars also have a huge fan base. In this article, I will discuss amateur porn videos. Amateur pornography is a category of porn that features the non professional actors and models that perform without getting paid, or those actors or models for whom pornography is not the only paid modeling work. There is a category known as reality pornography; this is done with professional pornstars who seek to emulate the beautiful style of amateur porn properly. Amateur porn is also known as one of the most long lasting and most profitable genres of porn.
The introduction of Polaroid cameras in the year 1948 has helped amateur porn stars produce and make their own porn videos in very little time. They did not go to any film producer as there was a risk of getting reported for the violation of the obscenity law. There was a huge rise in amateur porn with the introduction and advancement of digital cameras, image scanners, internet, and smart phone cameras. Due to the wide availability of smart phones and the internet, people can easily take their private photos and share them instantly; this easy distribution of photos has resulted in huge growth in quantity and a variety of amateur porn. With the advancement of the internet, various platforms like Flickr and MySpace were used to share amateur porn videos and photographs; this includes nudes and hardcore photos. Private social platforms like Yahoo and Google Groups are also widely used in the distribution of amateur porn.
Home Videos and Movies
As the revolution of the camcorder happened, there was a rapid rise in amateur pornography. People with advanced recorders started recording their sex lives and also watch them on the VCRs. In the beginning, these homemade sex videos were shared for free. But, slowly, these were distributed commercially, and Homegrown Video was the most popular commercial platform where these videos were shared. In 1982 the Homegrown Video was ranked as the #1 among the most influential adult titles. Many people who had sent their video in Homegrown Video eventually became professional pornstars; some of the famous names are Rayveness, Stephaine Swift, Meggan Mallone, and Melissa Hill.
Now I will discuss some issues that are related to amateur pornography.
Revenge Porn
Self produced and amateur porn has also resulted in the rise of civil suits and newly defined and identified criminal activity. There are victims whose naked pictures and nude videos were made viral on the internet without their consent.
The amateur porn that includes minors is often subjected to an investigation and can be charged for child pornography, which is strictly prohibited.